Monday, March 17, 2008

How many visits.......?

TUESDAY= Parent/Teacher conference [2 kids in tow, for one child]

WEDNESDAY= Double Visit to PEDIATRICIAN (follow-up on ear infection, follow-up on flu shot for baby who needed six week booster) [ 3 kids in tow]

THURSDAY = Parent/Teacher conference [for one child, just one parent attending 4 kids left at home with other parent]

THURSDAY= Double Visit to ENT (routine visit every three months) [ 4 kids in tow]

FRIDAY= special athletics class [2 kids]

Religion class. [1/ 2 kids, take advantage of other mom waiting to watch other 2/3 kids so I can observe/help.]

SATURDAY = Double visit to PHARMACY (ENT called, throat swab turned up positive for strep, even though there had been no complaints of sore throats or anything from those two kids -- but pink throat merited a culture) [ 4 kids in tow]

SATURDAY = single visit to URGENT CARE CENTER (Since I had sore throat, 2 kids positively have strep, I should get tested asap, right?) [4 kids in tow]

SATURDAY = single visit to 24 hour PHARMACY (to fulfill my own perscription) [by myself, barely counts as a chore. I bought gummy worms which will be important for tomorrow's adventure]

SUNDAY = church (just about 24 hours with antibiotics, so o.k. to go. Wouldn't want to miss Palm Sunday!)

SUNDAY = single visit to ER in ANOTHER STATE (went on a 3 hour drive to a special service at a friend's church, someone FELL OUT OF THE VAN, and needed 2 staples in head!) [4 kids in tow. This took just over five hours. most of the time was spent WAITING. The Gummy worms turned out to be the PERFECT incentive for kids to mind manners and be patient in the waiting room. The kids had a blast watching the golf tournament on the hospital's golf channel. I am VERY thankful that I remembered the double-umbrella stroller for our day's outing. It got much use in keeping 3 year old still, and giving me an extra set of hands when not holding almost 8 month old!)

MONDAY = maybe? need to call doctor and get strep test for 2 who were in thursday -- although they had a visual check, need to make sure they aren't positive.

= maybe? need to get husband to get strep test at his Dr. too.

FRIDAY = need to have appt with pediatrician to remove two staples.

WEDNESDAY next week = need to have follow-up appt for ENT to make sure antibiotics cleared up strep

calendar: need to schedule dentist visit, need to schedule other follow up for ENT, need to schedule other follow-up for pediatrician. Need to schedule appt. for the car. Need to get ready for Easter.

1 comment:

joelle said...

intense. I hope y'all feel better. After reading this post I turned to Jehiah and let him know that I was really really content with the stage of life I am in right now.