Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Apparently, not enough visits yet.! ....


Our three year old decided to play "what can fit in my nostril?" while listening to bedtime story.

Half-way through the bedtime story, a panicked, tear-stricken face got out of bed: "mom, it's stuck... I need help"

So, off to the ER (or, thankfully, Urgent Care Center: can call before get in the car, and they are waiting and ready when you arrive! No four hour waits like the traditional ER.)

Moral of the story: Red Bead falls easily out of right nostril in bedroom, Blue Beads (or, left nostril) are trickier, and need doctor's assistance to be removed.

Counting: as of last night, there were total of 9 doctor's visits for the six of us, in the course of six days.

1 comment:

dd_traveler said...

A pea in the nose is a much better choice...