Saturday, March 29, 2008

Baking Time

I must admit, today's kiddie cooking adventure started a few weeks ago with a grocery-store trip.

"Mom, other kids at school have mini chocolate chip muffins"

My reply "oh, we can make miniature muffins". (I categorically don't buy sugar treats at the store. The only baked goods I usually buy are bread and the occasional donuts. )

I took another visit to the grocery store to actually buy mini muffin tins (ironically, grandma gave us some at Easter too).

and, a nice Saturday afternoon with younger siblings sleeping to finally make...

Mini Chocolate Chip Muffins

We halved the recipe, and it was just right to make 18 minis (1 dozen pan, 1 1/2 dozen pan).


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Adventure to the ART Museum

I love museums,

and my kids seem to too!

Today we went on an adventure to the NCMA (

We had a blast!

We got to see the "I SPY" exhibit (my children LOVE those books and that genre). It was neat to see both the models and the photographs.

We arrived at the heels of a school trip, so we got to hear some of the guides explaining to the elementary school students different aspects of the art -- which we all enjoyed.

We played in the outdoor "maze" (any garden that has hedges is considered a maze to us: if you can walk through pathways, it's a maze).

We visited the miniature museum -- and got to look at a MILLION DOLLAR DOLL HOUSE!!! (A castle, really... I didn't know that there were doll houses that were worth over a million dollars). The exhibit puts the hobby in perspective (and makes the fisher-price house we own look like nothing!).

Monday, March 24, 2008

Ode to a keyboard

Last week, a few adventures happened in close proximity to my computer desk.... and, my beloved keyboard has walked into the trash.

Although there have been sticky kid fingers and dirty fingers for over a year, one little week brought the keyboard's demise...

First it was the Jello.

Then it was cookie crumbs (not that bad)... (most of jello and cookie crumbs were removed such that the stuck keys seemed to temporarily become unstuck)

Then, it was a full mug of my cafe au lait!

Why, you might ask, did all of these occur this week? Well, Each of these incidents involved sitting at the computer, trying to do work, with eight-month old baby (and grabbing fingers) in my lap!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Pretend Kitchen Play

While Playing "pretend" kitchen, my kids needed "real" baking.

Solution? No-bake cookies!

(my 3yr old and 4 yr old had fun with this!)


Measure ingredients and stir after each addition...

2 1/2 c oats
1/2 c sugar
2 T cocoa powder
2 T peanut butter
2 T water
1/2 c butter

roll into balls, and roll balls into powdered sugar

3/4 c powdered sugar (I put this into bowl in 1/4 c increments)

Let set in the fridge for few minutes.


I was inspired by

This was a big hit! Fun, EASY, and just a little messy....

This turned out a little sticky (Probably because of the amount of water, next time I'll use less butter) This recipie is authentically no-bake (as oppossed to the many no-bake recipies that involve stove-top boiling etc.). Stickiness meant little fingers got lots of licking!

Apparently, not enough visits yet.! ....


Our three year old decided to play "what can fit in my nostril?" while listening to bedtime story.

Half-way through the bedtime story, a panicked, tear-stricken face got out of bed: "mom, it's stuck... I need help"

So, off to the ER (or, thankfully, Urgent Care Center: can call before get in the car, and they are waiting and ready when you arrive! No four hour waits like the traditional ER.)

Moral of the story: Red Bead falls easily out of right nostril in bedroom, Blue Beads (or, left nostril) are trickier, and need doctor's assistance to be removed.

Counting: as of last night, there were total of 9 doctor's visits for the six of us, in the course of six days.

Monday, March 17, 2008

How many visits.......?

TUESDAY= Parent/Teacher conference [2 kids in tow, for one child]

WEDNESDAY= Double Visit to PEDIATRICIAN (follow-up on ear infection, follow-up on flu shot for baby who needed six week booster) [ 3 kids in tow]

THURSDAY = Parent/Teacher conference [for one child, just one parent attending 4 kids left at home with other parent]

THURSDAY= Double Visit to ENT (routine visit every three months) [ 4 kids in tow]

FRIDAY= special athletics class [2 kids]

Religion class. [1/ 2 kids, take advantage of other mom waiting to watch other 2/3 kids so I can observe/help.]

SATURDAY = Double visit to PHARMACY (ENT called, throat swab turned up positive for strep, even though there had been no complaints of sore throats or anything from those two kids -- but pink throat merited a culture) [ 4 kids in tow]

SATURDAY = single visit to URGENT CARE CENTER (Since I had sore throat, 2 kids positively have strep, I should get tested asap, right?) [4 kids in tow]

SATURDAY = single visit to 24 hour PHARMACY (to fulfill my own perscription) [by myself, barely counts as a chore. I bought gummy worms which will be important for tomorrow's adventure]

SUNDAY = church (just about 24 hours with antibiotics, so o.k. to go. Wouldn't want to miss Palm Sunday!)

SUNDAY = single visit to ER in ANOTHER STATE (went on a 3 hour drive to a special service at a friend's church, someone FELL OUT OF THE VAN, and needed 2 staples in head!) [4 kids in tow. This took just over five hours. most of the time was spent WAITING. The Gummy worms turned out to be the PERFECT incentive for kids to mind manners and be patient in the waiting room. The kids had a blast watching the golf tournament on the hospital's golf channel. I am VERY thankful that I remembered the double-umbrella stroller for our day's outing. It got much use in keeping 3 year old still, and giving me an extra set of hands when not holding almost 8 month old!)

MONDAY = maybe? need to call doctor and get strep test for 2 who were in thursday -- although they had a visual check, need to make sure they aren't positive.

= maybe? need to get husband to get strep test at his Dr. too.

FRIDAY = need to have appt with pediatrician to remove two staples.

WEDNESDAY next week = need to have follow-up appt for ENT to make sure antibiotics cleared up strep

calendar: need to schedule dentist visit, need to schedule other follow up for ENT, need to schedule other follow-up for pediatrician. Need to schedule appt. for the car. Need to get ready for Easter.

Everyone (still) has clean underwear!

Not that anyone out there in cyberspace cares,


Everyone (still) has clean underwear!

A couple days ago, (almost) everyone in the family was wearing their LAST PAIR of clean underwear. This is a sign that I was behind with my laundry. (Of course, this is because I was a little sick.... )

All different portions of our wardrobes end up in the dirty laundry, and get cycled to clean laundry... and get put on a waiting list, and, if lucky, eventually end up in folded laundry, end, if not sneaked out of the cycle and worn and put back in the dirty laundry, it will eventually become put-away laundry.

I'd like to say that the reason the cycle goes this way is because it is for six individuals, and little kids create mountains of laundry. However, I think I've operated this way for a long time, even before marriage and kids!

When I had doled out "last" clean underwear to myself and two of my children the other day, I realized that "amount of clean underwear in drawers" is a good barometer of household laundry status.

The good news, although I'm not caught up (by no means!), I am catching up -- and, in the past 5 days, there has been enough clean underwear to go around. (Yay!)

Just posting this gives me motivation to go, toss another load in the washer, fold a load, and file it away for another day!

What's that status of your laundry?
Do you have an article of clothing that can measure how "caught up" you are?
Is it underwear? Socks? Your favorite jeans? Something else?

Monday, March 3, 2008

It only takes a sock


Thursday morning, I did my typical routine of "toss a load in the washer".

Earlier in the morning, while getting clean school clothes for my kindergartner, I had earlier emptied the dryer, and sorted the clothes into nice, neat piles on the laundry-area floor.

A little less than an hour later, I went into the basement to do my "cycle the laundry": put wash in the dryer. (If clothes are in the dryer, take them out; If clean clothes are in the basket/ on the floor in front of the dryer fold-if needed- and put away...).

To my dismay, my socked feed got soggy as I entered the laundry-area: A FLOOD not of Biblical proportions, but water was all over the floor, covering about a third of the basement. I waded (not quite, but my feet were indeed wet) through the pathway and discovered a stopped-up utility sink.

I discovered an innocent toddler sock which had stopped up the drain.

After a phone call, the wetvac was found and put to good use.
After some good exercise, the floor no longer had puddles of water in it.
After a couple MORE loads of laundry, there were only a handful of ruined articles of clothing.
After this lesson, maybe I'll NOT leave clean clothes on the floor either?
After a full morning, things that I had planned to get to in the morning, got done in the afternoon.

C'est la vie.