Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Just Milk and Bread....

Today I took my three youngest to the grocery store "just to get milk and bread".

Since we were out of bread yesterday, I made home-made bread. But, because I 'eye-balled' the amounts and proportiosn. And, because I have munchkins who like to munch on dough, the home-made bread was only enough of a loaf to last through supper last night.

Of course, there were sundry other items that creeped into the short shopping list (dinner, yogurt, salad, juice).

I often delay shopping because it can be a big ordeal, and a drain on the budget.

However, today, I was impressed that it was a relatively short trek. ( Which means that the shopping trip was less than an hour).

Like any other shopping trip, there are curious eyes when I juggle an infant, a toddler and a preschooler. (Everyone took a turn in the grocery cart.)

This log is to report that the trip was a success! I spent less than one hundred dollars (only $60!), got dinner for the evening, and we have milk for tomorrow's breakfast.


dd_traveler said...

I get so frustrated at the price of groceries - but it's MUCH better in Oregon than it was in Massachusetts! I rarely leave the store anymore for over $100, but then again I'm just shopping for me :)

rr adventurer said...

What about feeding your menagerie, dd_traveler? Do you buy pet food at the pet store, or at the grocery store?