Friday, January 4, 2008

Panick Attack: Squirrel in the house!

Today's adventure began very calmly. Three of us were in the living room: I was listening to Bach cello suites on the computer, My 2 year old was reading a book on the couch, and the baby was playing with toys in the playpen.

All of a sudden, I heard a rustle noise in the front room. I got up and looked, and I saw two little eyes of a cute little squirrel skittering past the Christmas tree, under the piano bench, and under the stroller.


I was panicking -- I probably would've been o.k. if it weren't that I had two little ones underfoot, not far from the squirrel. I picked up the phone as fast as I could, called my husband's secretary, asked for him, and just told him very curtly "come home RIGHT NOW". Thankfully, he sensed the urgency in my voice, and was home within a minute and a half. I told him the scenario, and bundled up the little ones, and left him to be on rodent patrol.

He realized that the squirrel must've come in through the fireplace (the flue was opened, the fire-place door was ajar). He promptly (smartly) closed all the doors. He was unsuccessful at getting the squirrel out front or back door. So, he changed plans: opened the window in one of the bedrooms, and cornered the squirrel into the bedroom, and closed the door. He listened for the squirrel to make an exit, then closed the window, and invited me to come back inside.

Thankfully, my life isn't boring, but I'm hoping we don't have more squirrel incidents.
(This is the second squirrel in a year and a half! Last time was a little less flustering, because there was a friend with her friendly aussie in the house to assist in cornering the squirrel out the back door.)

1 comment:

dd_traveler said...

I recall Audrey's assistance last time - she was more than happy to help and would have loved to have help again this time :)

The little rodents do have a purpose after all - endless entertainment for good little dogs...