Friday, January 18, 2008

Sometimes Getting Dressed is an Adventure

Every day we encounter all sorts of adventures: some big, some small.

Today, getting dressed presented a couple different adventures.

I Love uniforms for kids. Whereas my preschooler might try several different outfits before deciding on the "right one" for school, my kindergartener gets dressed efficiently with only uniform options.

BUT... somehow, although enough shirts were purchased at the beginning of the school year for each day of the week... We are down to two shirts, and both were dirty this morning!
Of course, since it's winter-time, the solution was easy: Wear your sweater, but don't take it off today!

AND... Even though it is winter outside, my preschooler and toddler both decided summer clothes were the "right" thing to wear today. It took prodding and cajoling to convince them that sleaveless shirts NEEDED sweaters on top (which must stay on), if they were to be worn at all.

AND... Little baby has now outgrown a complete wardrobe -- it took many many attempts of grabing articles of clothing out of the drawer, only to discover "wow, you've outgrown that too!". We eventually ended up with the "one size fits all" sleeper-pajamas as the clean clothes after shower time. Time to box-up little infant clothes!

Not to mention... I still am not into my pre-pregnancy clothes, but rather lingering in a post-pregnancy funk. I am making exercising more a higher priority, and hopefully those last few inches will be shed soon! (Or, should we think about getting pregnant again? Then I can wear those cool maternity clothes.... not a reason in and of itself, but a cool side-perk, if we do go that route?)

Of course... The 'experts' say that morning getting-dressed woes can be prevented by putting out clothes the night before. Maybe I'll try that sometime. Although it would be efficient, I'm not sure if I want to deny myself the fun adventure of scavanging for clothes in the morning!

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