Friday, January 4, 2008

One Adventure a day just isn't enough.

If this morning's adventure wasn't enough, this afternoon I got around to taking all four kids shopping at IKEA.

Tomorrow is the twelfth day of Christmas! There are certain kid items that I want to have under the tree before the end of the Christmas season. Since grandparents left the morning after Christmas, and other circumstances, we haven't had any babysitting lately. I had hoped we might possibly get babysitting so we could go out as a couple and shop, or, at least have some babysitting so I could go shopping solo. Well, since that didn't happen, I went ahead and took the kids shopping with me.

As a sensible parent, I started the IKEA adventure with an early dinner in the Restaurant. (Quite decent food for a reasonable price! The five of us ate for five dollars and change.) I figured it was wiser to embark on meandering through isles with kiddies stomachs full. Of course, What we saved on dinner I more than squandered on purchases.

Before we made it to the Restaurant, we hit the adjacent Children's area: with play zone and toys etc. I was able to purchase some 'classic' toys that the kids' home play area lacks: art easel, art supplies, puppets, doll cribs. I don't think they'll be surprised when they wake up to the easel in front of the Xmas tree tomorrow morning (it was the biggest item, and hence they could see it in the cart). But, I do hope they'll be surprised at a few of the items that I stashed in the cart while they were enjoying the tunnel and tent in the play area.

After our dinner, I stocked the cart with some good child plastic storage boxes (on wheels, in bright colors of pink, blue, green) . Although reasonably priced individually, the cost multiplies when you get adequate supply.

We definitely did Meander through the store.While I love shopping at IKEA (although I only make it there a few times each year), the layout of the store forces shoppers to meander through the merchandise. Of course, this creates a little challenge with baby in sling, toddler in the cart, and Kindergartner and preschooler each pulling the cart in different directions.

I gave up looking for a 'perfect' laundry hamper. It took me a while to locate the "right" lightbulbs in the lighting section. I gave up looking for the storage containers I wanted for flour. I ended up buying much more than I planned in the picture-frame area. I gave up looking for a new basket for the shoes. I gave up looking at the curtains/carpets for sale. I gave up looking for a few other things on my wish list.

My hope is that the organizational tools and the needed house hold items (such as paper towel dispenser) balance out the splurges (let the kids each pick out a poster for their rooms, etc) I made.

The biggest adventure, by far, was the check-out line. I'm all in favor of the do-it-yourself-checkout, save-some-money, etc. BUT, when you have 2 "helpers", a toddler trying to climb out of the stroller, and NO conveyor belt to put all the items on to clear out the cart efficiently, life is fun! I should be thankful that there was an associate who came over to help scan things into the register. But some things are too little, too late!

I have a feeling that, being stressed going into the shopping adventure, I didn't put on my shopping-breaks soon enough. Nonetheless, it seems the kids did have fun (after all, they did behave well -for the most part- and they did get ice cream before leaving the complex).

Tomorrow is the twelfth day of Christmas! I hope it'll be a good day. May the new items replace nicely the oodles of spent toys etc. that I've been able to fling in my pre-christmas preparations. I also hope that they occupy the kids nicely, so I might be productive tomorrow and get around to my long to-do list, including real work online.

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