Friday, November 28, 2008

Pie time!

Yesterday was Thanksgiving...

And, along with the majority of Americans, we did indeed eat Turkey. (Supply and demand, though, the producers of turkeys have been raising and freezing turkeys since last thanksgiving, so there is a greater supply than demand, and turkeys, happily end up being an economical mainstay for Thanksgiving).

But in my mind, competing with turkey, pies are a universal thanksgiving dessert.

I could be like most people, and either buy my pies or make them the week preceeding Thanksgiving, but the making of the pies is as important (and fun) to me as the eating and sharing of pies.

This year, my 6 year old was in charge of crusts: he made three batches of crust = 3 crusts. (Somehow, although following the recipe for 2-crusts each time, each batch really made 1 crust).

PUMPKIN PIE This was completely made by my 6 year old. With molasses in the recipe, it turned out as a yummy darker shade pumpkin pie.

CHERRY PIE Since the 'extra' crust didn't materialize from the batch of crust, we ended up using brownsugar&oats to make a 'crisp' topping. This was the easiest pie to make: store-bought cherry filling mix, made this easy as 1-2-3.

APPLE PIE, Since I had actually bought heavy cream, I *finally* got a chance (with the help of my 5 year old) to make an old-fashioned apple pie recipe. Interestingly, this recipe didn't have any cinnamon - but healthy dose of allspice, nutmeg and clove. This recipe only called for a TOP crust (no bottom crust here) -- which worked perfectly, considering there was only 1 crust obtainable from the third batch.

HOME-MADE WHIPPED CREAM (the real stuff -- the kids have a blast making the whipped cream, and it's less sweet than the artificial whipped topping I typically buy.

With the help of our company and the kids, two/thirds of the pies got eaten for dessert on thanksgiving -- leaving just enough for leftovers today!

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