Wednesday, December 24, 2008

They WERE playing nicely together...

My five year old and three year old WERE playing nicely together this morning.
My toddler was toddling around, playing independently.

Last night/early this morning, I had labeled, stamped, and inserted Christmas cards into 150 envelopes. (Believe it or not, that was just the "in-state" Christmas card list!) And, since it is Christmas Eve, my goal was to have them postmarked today.

My husband was home (he had a 9:30 meeting, so wasn't leaving the house quite yet, and he offered to stay home so I could run out and be back shortly.

So, my six year old offered to help me on the 8:45 am errand to the post office. The trip went smoothly, and that was the ONLY errand this whole week that took about ten minutes total!

Unfortunately, when we returned home, we were greeted by a strong whiff of VINEGAR. "What? Why? What happened?"

IT turns out, my five year old, remembered once upon a time that Mommy had used vinegar to clean something, so, the idea was hatched to dump 2 cups of Apple Cider Vinegar on the floor, and dry the floor.

The smell does dissapate slightly when washed with hot soapy water, but Guess what? Apple Cider Vinegar STRIPS hardwood floors.

I really hope some lessons were learned by the kids.

This fiasco pushed 'refinish floors' to a more urgent task!

This is how Christmas Eve Began

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