Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Virtual Interaction

Over thanksgiving, I listened to arguments against the ever-so-popular social networking sites like Facebook.

"Privacy", "replaces genuine relationship", "permanence" were the cons discussed as to why these individuals refuse to participate.

Yes, the one-sentence blurbs of twitter and Facebook might be pithy statements. However, the opportunity to connect to friends, family, and associates at one's own schedule has many positive features that are worth being considered.

I have found true community with many of my "facebook" peers. I have friends (and family), most of whom live in different states, but they have similar parenting scenarios as myself. It is refreshing to read that we aren't the only ones experiencing certain adventures of life.

Example: Just the other day, I discovered shampoo in my fridge. Of course, this is the sort of entertainment that can be communicated in one sentence, that I updated my status with. It was refreshing to hear that other people have had similar experiences (such as finding cream in a cubbard instead of the fridge) brought out by children "help"ing put groceries away.

1 comment:

Khop said...

It's funny, b/c much as life before cell phones, it puzzles to me to think about life before facebook. Certainly there are some cons to it, and I think that we can all summon a few examples of someone we know who shares too much, etc, in that forum. But i find now that people who aren't on facebook are somewhat "off the grid" and miss out on a lot. just my two cents...