Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Adventures of Sitting Up

When our five-month old Baby learned to sit up from a lying position, it was fun - there are so many toys that a five-month old can hold and play! A baby, sitting-up in the middle of the floor, gets much more social interaction with older siblings than before this novelty surfaced.

Now that this skill is practiced and perfected, a new adventure has begun: falling asleep! Since Baby can sit up when put down, baby doesn't stay lying down for long. And, when baby sits up, it is MUCH harder to fall asleep.

As a mom, I know that "this too shall pass". However, it is tragic to watch a baby crying - because "someone" keeps enforcing a sitting position - but baby is tired and wants to sleep! Since I know the different cries, the "I'm tired and want to sleep and I can't figure out why I can't go to sleep' cry mandates that I reluctantly watch the trauma unfold.

After many many attempts to lie down, sit up, lie down, fuss, fuss ... the baby falls asleep.

Unwanted consequence: the drama has put mama in a tired state too! What happened to baby just falling alseep and mama catching up on work before mama's bedtime?

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