Monday, August 18, 2008

While you were sleeping...

I thought up the title for this blog while my husband was sleeping-in/napping (very much earned, mind you) this morning. [His job required him to wake up 4a.m. yesterday, and he wasn't able to compensate by going to bed early last night (see previous post) like he usually does). Since he has since gotten up and begun his morning routine, a better title might be "things I did this morning before breakfast", but some of this was indeed while he was sleeping... (not necessarily in this order).

Nursed our baby (at 12 months, she's not quite an infant, but still not weaned yet. I'm willing to wait till 24 months to wean, but none of my kids so far have made it that long).

Turned on and watched portions of Adventurs of Winnie the Pooh with children.

Checked email, composed a blog entry while older children were still watching said video (and youngest was eating a bananna).

Unloaded dishwasher.

Supervised/ Participated in making of waffles for the family breakfast (but, I had momentum and was in the process of cleaning, that I myself didn't join them as I typically do... so no breakfast for me yet.)

Loaded dishwasher.

Scrubbed down counters.

Picked up food from the floor (yesterday's snack?)

Picked up clothes off the floor (why were they there?)

Carried overstuffed laundry hamper into the basement.

Tossed a load of laundry in the washer machine.

Picked up toys off the living room floor (the joy of having all the kids take out 1 year old's toys, and then wander off...)

Picked up papers off the floor (I'm amazed how many papers ended up in my purse, and then got dumped on the ground - evidence that bringing pads of paper, pencils, crayons, markers do keep little hands busy during church).

Swept (o.k. not sweep everything, but piles left over from yesterday's cleaning actually made it into the trash can).

Took out the trash (three trash bags).

Took out recyclable items. (Doing my part to save the planet? or, at least filling up the recycle bin outside as well as the trash cans).

Changed a diaper.

Put ear drops in child's ears.

Read a book.

Coaxed potty training three year old to use the toilet properly (yay!).

Put baby-getting-to-be-toddler down for morning nap.

Referreed sibling conflict.

Encouraged second oldest to get dressed (and complimented oldest for doing it without being prodded).

Encouraged older children to make their beds (but didn't get around to doing mine yet, hopefully I'll get around to washing sheets today).

Picked up some shoes.

Directed children to pick up some shoes.

Cleaned up orange juice spill.

Wiped down bathroom sink (still needs to be scrubbed further).

Rinsed out coffee pot.

Wished I had more time in the morning.

Cleaned hands of 3 year old and 5 year old who got into paint...

Got items out of the van that needed to be washed (such as 1 year old's cup).

Listened to various stories.

Oversaw time outs.

Picked up towel off the floor (why did the bathroom towel make its way into the hallway??)

Sorted through one 'misc papers' container (so that the "I want to keep" papers from church had a temporary home).

I've lossed momentum to do household chores, but, I think things are looking better than when we fell asleep (or woke up?). I was able to have a delightful morning -- I got to eat breakfast with my husband (just the two of us! sipping coffee too, having conversation too? When does that ever happen?).

Ok, now I hear commotion going on.. Now I'm off to "things I did after breakfast this morning"....

1 comment:

dd_traveler said...

I witnessed such activity yesterday when I spent my 13 hour JFK layover in the comfort of this home... I felt quite guilty recovering from the 18 hour flight and a stomach virus while things were being picked up and taken care of all around me!!