Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Just another ER trip..

Today started with my three year old being "sick". (Long story short, potty-woes. someone is reluctant to use "the potty".. so holds it.. and feels a little sick until getting the gumption to actually confront that this is a fact of life that can't be avoided...)

After taking my 3 year old to the Dr's... (he said the right thing, and we are much better.. I dread the bill though)... My 5 year old started fighting on the way out of the Dr's.

Of course, this brought about a time-out when we arrived at home. (Manners are important, and not having good manners merits a few minutes to reflect. Isn't that fair?)

Of course, no one wants to stay in time out.

So, My five year old repeatedly pressed the boundaries, getting out of time-out...
And, in the process... got more rambunctious and angry...

This led to a "push" (I'd use the euphemism of a 'bump' but it really was a push) against older sibling 'cause the 6 year old was tattle-tailing that the 5 year old got out of time out (again).

This didn't happen without consequences.

My six year old was standing next to a closet door which was left ajar.
The "bump" caused a head collision with the edge of a door. "MOM, IT HURTS" oh, yeah, and blood splatter.. and then blood-soaked paper towel.

Then the debate: where to go? I tried to get phone and get ahold of the dr who we had JUST SEEN. (Ironically, if it had been for the SAME kid, the receptionist implied that we could get in, but, we were told to go to the ER).

We chose the Not closest ER (1 1/2 miles away -- That one has terrible wait times), and when to the one 21/2 miles away.

Turns out we made a wise decision -- from triage time until exit time was about 2 hours. (Not bad! last ER visit was over four hours if memory serves me correctly). Although the Adult ER was swamped, the pediactric ER had empty beds, and we got great service.

So, at the end of the day, One Dr Visit, one ER visit, 3 staples in one kid.

All stories have happy endings (eventually). Drum roll...

I have four kiddies in bed. And, I even have a few spare minutes to post a blog entry!


dd_traveler said...

You have gone to the ER an amazing number of times... Amazing how resilient kids can be, and how patient you can be!!

rr adventurer said...

Surprisingly, though, there have been no broken bones yet! (Saying a prayer that it'll stay that way.)