Thursday, June 5, 2008

Just a little Cup of Apple Juice?

As parents, we've encouraged our children to do things for themselves that they can do.

In some ways, it's paid dividends: our oldest learned to tie his shoes at five years old, our next in line learned at three.

And our current three year old likes to do things too!

But, the other day, it started with a simple desire of a little cup of Apple Juice.

Now, I had just opened a full Costco-purchased 2 gallon jug of apple juice.

Of course, a three year old, can't pour that.

So, The FULL juice container (minus the one cup that had been poured previously, and the few ounces that remained) got spilled onto the kitchen counter and kitchen floor.
This, of course, included getting into the toaster oven, on cutting boards, etc.

Do you know how much a mess sticky apple juice is to clean up - when it's just a cup spilled?

Now, imagine volumes that should satisfy thirst for this family of six for at least a week...

Yup, you guessed it: A mess.

But, the adventure didn't end there. Realizing that it needed to be cleaned up, this three year old, grabbed the kitchen sink hose, and tried to spray it off. (Which, was an admirable idea, but, you guessed it -- wet. We don't want to let juice leak into the basement too!

Thankfully, I happened by the kitchen as the spill was expanding. And, we did have clean towels accessible.

It took a few days to get rid of the sticky residue from the floor and the counter. But, it got done.

Adventure concluded.

Of course, that means another one is around the corner!

1 comment:

dd_traveler said...

I bet the floor is really clean now at least :)