Thursday, April 10, 2008

Aquarium & Walrus sights

When school lets out early for a half day, shouldn't it be a fun day?

After noon dismissal, we piled in our vehicle, stopped by the gas station (Although I should get used to it, at $3.39, it felt a tad expensive, until we saw $3.45 later in our trip!)

Surprisingly, I didn't get a "mom where are we going" until we had been driving for 30 minutes. (It did help that each child in the back seat was given a sandwich to eat lunch while I drove). That was changed to a "OH, are we going to the AQUARIUM?" (It's been 9 months since we've been, but smart kids recognize landmarks!).

We had a blast!

The advantage of going OFF SEASON is that there are no crowds. It was a pleasant day, and we had plenty of space to view the aquatic life at our leisure.

Not only did I enjoy it (I could look at fish, and keep four kids in eyesight, and be the closest adult to all my children), but the children did as well! Our three year old enjoyed having the freedom to walk. (Too often, for crowd control, the stroller with seat-belt is mandatory). Our Four year old had fun being detective and finding what was in each tank. Our six year old, actually practiced reading! I think the "hogfish" was the most fun to read.

Brooklyn's Walrus family was, of course, one of the highlights of the trip. (We got to see the Daddy Walrus eat!).

We were brave enough to go into the shark exhibit (pretty cool!) The sharks looked tame with a giant sea turtle swimming with them.

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