Friday, December 28, 2007

Life is an adventure

Life is an adventure! I thought I'd join the world of bloggers to share some of the adventures I encounter or have encountered...

One adventure today was trying to wash a load of laundry with five month old in my arms, and, two year old, four year old, and six year old "playing laundry" in front of the washer/dryer. I'm constantly annoyed by the fact that whoever assembled the hand-me-down unit messed up: the washer part is labeled dryer, and the dryer part is labeled washer! I pointed this out to my six year old, and he promptly started using the "dryer" label (on top of the washer) while putting his clothes into the dryer.

I did succeed in cycling completely that load of laundry, and started the next load as well.

The question is: will I be able to do three more loads tonight so that the dirty laundry hampers in both bathrooms can be completely emptied?

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