Monday, December 31, 2007

Making Play-Dough

Yesterday we made home-made playdough.

I had promised the kids I'd make some sometime over Christmas, and we got around to it on the sixth day!

I was thinking I knew the recipe by heart, but, thought I'd check the web to make sure. Did you know that there are oodles of different playdough recipes? There's even scented playdough and editable playdough. (I have enough hard time telling my toddler to NOT eat old-fashioned "salt" playdough, why would I make chocolate or peanut butter edible playdough?)

And I ended up "eyeballing" proportions: almost 2 c salt, about 4 c flour, couple dashes of cream of tartar, couple tablespoons of oil, water; mixed; stirred; and cooked to perfection! After dividing into proportions and coloring, we had Green, White and Pink playdough.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Cards / Christmas Packages

Well, it's the sixth day of Christmas, and the before-Christmas rituals haven't quite been all done.

I love Christmas Cards - It's so much fun to get mail from all sorts of friends, family and associates. It's great to see yearly picture updates. Christmas Cards are a significant part of our Christmas decorations. (The challenge is that I feel guilty about retiring them to the recycle-bin/trash sometime in January.)

This year, we're not sending a letter with our Christmas cards (maybe next year?). The impressive feat is that, as I type this, we have mailed 85% of our Christmas Cards. I always feel bad for those that somehow make it to the bottom of the pile. Sometimes it's the closest friends -- I want to include a special note, or include the card in a package -- who end up getting theirs the latest.

Thankfully, there are twelve days of Christmas. So, I have six days left to continue to celebrate Christmas - and finish the Christmas cards that will be sent.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Life is an adventure

Life is an adventure! I thought I'd join the world of bloggers to share some of the adventures I encounter or have encountered...

One adventure today was trying to wash a load of laundry with five month old in my arms, and, two year old, four year old, and six year old "playing laundry" in front of the washer/dryer. I'm constantly annoyed by the fact that whoever assembled the hand-me-down unit messed up: the washer part is labeled dryer, and the dryer part is labeled washer! I pointed this out to my six year old, and he promptly started using the "dryer" label (on top of the washer) while putting his clothes into the dryer.

I did succeed in cycling completely that load of laundry, and started the next load as well.

The question is: will I be able to do three more loads tonight so that the dirty laundry hampers in both bathrooms can be completely emptied?