Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Serenity out of chaos

Some days I feel like a conductor -- (the director of an orchestra kind, not the train engineer kind).

There is a natural chaos that starts many days: wake up, moodiness of just-waking up children, sibling rivalry; mess from discarded toys and just-finished meal(s), etc. On good days, this is like the orchestra tuning up: it seems like everyone is out of tune with each other, everyone is playing dissonant rhythms, and chaos.

But, then, when things get on routine, amazing music is heard. This is the music: infant sweetly sleeping; several siblings playing well together; the house looking more presentable as chores get done...

Honestly, life with small children is more of the orchestra rehearsal: hints of gorgeous music, but plenty of time spent rehearsing, time outs for the different instruments and lots of patience required on the part of the conductor (maestro?).