Monday, January 5, 2009

Yea, we got home Thursday night.

Trip was sufficient..
Driving down was a headache (typical 4 hr drive took a little longer than 7 hours!)

Little toddler got a cold on the drive down (somewhere on the NJ turnpike started to hear a little cough).
Her cough turned into a full-blown cold by Monday
(Monday it was *real* nice to see all my nieces/nephews, one Aunt,Uncle and two Cousins ... but, I spent the time comforting sick toddler)
Wee hrs of the morning E. had a fever,
And, at 11am we were seen by NighttimePediatrics and she had a 103 fever and a full-blown ear infection..
Afternoon she was vomiting too...
So, no fun having sick toddler, so we scrapped plans of spending more time with Aunts/Cousins, and we let older siblings just play with new toys at in-laws, and try to comfort sick toddler...

Oh, and this child chose last week to be teething too -- cutting 4 molars plus 2 other bottom teeth!
By Thursday, she was feeling a bit better (more of a moaning "my gums are sore, please fix them").. so we had dinner at my moms..

As we pulled into my mom's Driveway, preschooler B. vomited. (argh!)... Glad to be able to spend a few hours at my moms, and B. slept away on the couch.
We ate dinner, socialized then got on the road...

Thankfully, the drive home was EXCELLENT (aside from the van stinking of something burning, which we established was not the engine, just something in the heater vents). And we got home WITHIN 4 HOURS. (Oh, and my husband drove the whole way!).

As we neared our exit on the NJ turnpike, Kindergartner called from the back seat "I don't feel too well"

We made it home, and our kitchen floor was covered with vomit the second she walked in (I'm very thankful that she decided to walk into the kitchen than in living room with carpet!)

By Friday morning, two were feeling better,
Saturday, oldest decided he wanted to share what his siblings had, and he had a bout of vomiting upon waking up from his nap.

Sunday, we were all feeling well enough to go to church (Toddler still taking tylenol to compensate for sore gums and waking up every few hours due to teething pain).

Sunday afternoon we made it to our annual Epiphany hike, but protests were occasionally heard from the teething member of the party!