Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Beautifully Clean FLUORESCENT GREEN bathroom...

This morning was a successful morning.

I had the three youngest awaken EARLY at 6 a.m.

Since they were up early, I made a hot breakfast: scrambled eggs and Cream of Wheat.

Everyone got dressed, the only hitch in getting the oldest off to school was that uniform shoes were nowhere to be found. (but, we had size-to-big-that-we'll-be-wearing-soon shoes, which saved the day!)

I did make 2 trips to drop kids off at school. (Kindergartener didn't want to risk being late while First grader still only had socks on).

My 3 year old adeptly used the potty un-invited.(My laundry burden really appreciates the fewer accidents. I like the final stage of potty-training!)

I had a leisurely grocery shopping excursion with my two youngest.
(I even remembered the reusable shopping bags, and it was so nice to have easy-to-carry bags to bring back into the house.)

Our 1 year old decided it's a good morning/day for a LONG nap.

I tackled my goal for the morning: thoroughly clean the main bathroom. This took a whole hour, but the tub, sink, floor, toilet, walls were all shining.

My husband came home to have an early lunch with me. (Thanks to the shopping trip, there was bread for sandwiches!)

Now, comes the fluorescent green part: While mommy and daddy were enjoying a rare lunch together in the dining room, 3 year old decided that reading books for quiet time was too boring, so the paints got opened, and turned into body paint. Of course, when this happens, one needs to go to the bathroom to wash off one's hands...

You guessed it, I was left with a Beautifully clean, fluorescent Green bathroom! It's amazing how many places a little body and hands touch in the process of reaching the sink!

Thankfully, it was kid, non-toxic, easily washable paint. And I've removed the fluorescent green decoration from the bathroom. Maybe it'll stay clean again for the next half hour?

Now, it's time for an afternoon...